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Showing posts from May, 2015


Oh Peru, how I love thee. What a magical place that has been on my top travel destinations since forever.  But, has to wait until M is old enough to hold her own on the Inka Trail. I was quite ambitious and made the following: Anticuchos de corazon (beef heart kebabs) Pollo a la brasa (grilled chicken) Ceviche Chicha  (fermented corn beer) We invited some friends and had a house full of adults, children (six kids under 4) and pisco sours! The chicha was a last minute addition when a wonderful friend, Grace, sent me this link  and challenged me to have it ready in two days. Challenge accepted. Chicha is an ancient fermented drink of the Andrean region which tasted like sweet corn water. Fun though weak on the alcohol. We also had a potato salad, boiled corn, boiled sweet potatoes, and an edamame salad. The chicken was aaaaaamazing. Seriously. It will be my standard grilled chicken recipe forevermore. Out with the lemon and rosemary and in with the cumin and soy s