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Showing posts from January, 2011


Tony pulled India from the jar and I am ecstatic! However, I'm not going to do my regular recipes of curry...besides we've still got nearly 177 countries to go and I suspect many of them will include curry.  Instead I'm looking for inspiration from Indian's celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor. The menu: Gobhi Matar Egg Bhaji Mango Lassi Naan I was not going to kill myself by preparing all of them--only three :) I could spend months making Naan and it wouldn't taste as good as I'd like so I bought garlic Naan from Trader Joes.  (It's actually incredible and it takes less than 3 minutes to heat up). Mango Lassi Rating: 7 out of 10 Wasn't sweet enough nor yogurt-y enough.  However, for a light refreshing treat, I'd make it again. Gobhi Matar Rating: 6 out of 10 The dish lacked a little flavor.  (However, I absolutely love the last minute dash of garam masala) Additionally, Tony hates peas so he brought the average rating for this down considerab

Cape Verde

Tonight's country is Cape Verde--the island republic off the coast of Senegal and Cachupinha is on the menu. While preparing for tonight's meal I spent a few minutes researching and reading about Cape Verde.  I also did a google image search... my god it's beautiful.  So beautiful, in fact, I looked for airline tickets.  (Unfortunately they're a little pricey from California). Cachupinha 5 ears of fresh corn 100g smoked sausage 1 small squash, chopped 1/2 lb lima beans (fresh if possible) 2 ripe tomatoes 2 tbsp olive oil pepper & salt 1 bunch of fresh cilantro 1 large onion, chopped Scrape off the fresh corn. Saute the onion and sausage in olive oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper. Add the corn and the rest of the ingredients and enough water to barely cover the vegetables. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer until all the vegetables and beans are tender. Prior to serving, season with salt and pepper and garnish with cilantro. Rating: 8 out of 10.


My sister is visiting from Boston and I gave her the task of picking the next country.  She skillfully pulled out Thailand which was good since we already had a recipe and the ingredients for Pad Thai. It's pretty difficult not to like Pad Thai.  Noodles, soy sauce, chicken and peanuts.  There's really nothing you can't love.  The recipe I followed is found here . (However, I omitted the dried shrimp) Rating: 7 out of 10 The Pad Thai sauce was very delicious and the right balance of sweet and salty. I will certainly use that again on multiple recipes. Tony's Rating: 6 out of 10. "I've had better." 'nuff said I guess...