With all the gluttony these last few days, I couldn't bring myself to make chivos (those amazingly-enormous-meat-lover sandwiches). So, instead I made Dulce de leche. And, because I live with a french man, we ate the gooey goodness slathered on slices of bread. Delicious.
Rating: 7 out of 10.
Tony: I can't really say why I gave it a 7 but it lacked a certain....definitiveness.
Dulce de Leche (version Uruguay)
250g sugar (1 1/4 cups)
1 liter milk (1 quart plus 4 tbsp)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
This recipe will make roughly 1 cup of dulce de leche. (I know, that sounds absurd but it's true, it boils down to practically nothing. So, if you want more adjust the recipe accordingly.)