I was quite ambitious and made Tavce Gravce, Shopska Salata, and Baklava.
Tavce Gravce is a traditional dish and every family has their own variation. It's essentially baked bean colored with a large amount of paprika. I served it along side grilled polish sausage. Shopska Salata is the Macedonian version of feta, tomato and cucumber salad. Super simple but amazing if you use really excellent quality olive oil and red wine vinegar. My Bakalava was a cardamon/fig version and wonderful. I used less sugar for the sherbet (sugar syrup poured over the top at the end) and it was wonderful. Didn't even have the my-teeth-are-going-to-fall-out sensation that I usually have with the sweetness of traditional baklava.
We invited friends and laughed and ate and drank and enjoyed the meal.
Tavce Gravce
H's Rating: Solid 8 (probably because I knew how much work was involved)
T's Rating: 7-7.5
Toddler M's Rating: 6